The most economical solution for your company: Forklifts with fuel gas - the forward-thinking and environmentally sound operating power.

TEGA is your energy supplier for forklifts and offers the ideal solution with the 11 kg cylinder. As well as this, you can rely on one hundred percent supply certainty, a constant request to avoid running empty and, if desired, a pallet delivery.

Forget about costly exhaust gas purification systems and protect the health of your colleagues with fuel gas powered forklifts which can be used indoors and outdoors: Forklifts with fuel gas - the forward-thinking and environmentally sound operating power.

Technical data

Filling 11 kg capacity (approx.)

Request cylinder gas quote

Free service hotline

0800 12 11 000

Monday - Thursday 7.30 a.m. - 5.30 p.m.
Friday 7.30 a.m. - 4 p.m.


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Customer advisor search

Do you require advice with topics regarding
LPG or refrigerants?
You can find the contact details of your personal customer advisor here.

F-Gas calculator

This tool calculates the CO2 equivalent savings of your system when using alternative refrigerants.

F-Gas calculator